
Welcome Newark Board of Education!

Welcome! This is your opportunity to ensure you choose to apply for the benefits best for you or make changes to your elections. Click HERE to see your current coverage, make a change to your information or file a claim.

Schedule Time with Your Agent/Producer to Apply

Product Information

Want to know what plans others such as yourself have purchased? Try our product support tool!

Accident Insurance
Helps ease the financial stress of a covered injury.
Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance

Helps ease the financial stress of a covered injury.

15AA -- 2015 Accident Advantage (A36000)

Cancer/Specified Disease Insurance
Helps financially and emotionally after a cancer diagnosis.
Cancer/Specified Disease Insurance

Cancer/Specified Disease Insurance

Helps financially and emotionally after a cancer diagnosis.

12CC -- 2012 Cancer Care (A78000)

Disability Insurance
Helps relieve the financial stress of a covered disability. Watch video
Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance

Helps relieve the financial stress of a covered disability.

11STD -- 2011 Short-Term Disability (A57600)

Plan Level
Life Insurance
Helps financially protect your loved ones if something happens to you. Watch video
Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Helps financially protect your loved ones if something happens to you.

14LIFESOL -- 2014 Life Solutions (A68000)